
Showing posts from October, 2016


7 Architectural Wonders  of India Collections  ·  Heritage & Culture Facebook    India has been the centre of the world for too long in the ancient past. Few of world’s most important religions has originated from India. Buddhism was once the dominating religion in India and  Buddhist monasteries  and  stupas  were built all over India before it eventually spread to other countries. Around 8th century AD, with the advent of Shankaracharya, Hinduism revived and it saw many Hindu rulers including  Pallavas  and  Cholas building  architectural wonders.  Rajputs built various  magnificent hill forts  in Rajasthan to protect their own areas. After the invasion from Muslim rulers in the 11th century, India for the first time saw influences from the middle east, with Afghan and  Persian architectural designs  mixing with the exiting Indian styles.  Mughals ensured that India has some of the finest  Islamic architecture in India.  Portuguese, French, Dutch and Britishers l


To Be 8th Wonder of World: Statue of Unity If you know India well, you will also know the big name of Sardar vallabh bhai Patel. Yes you guessed it right. He was from the same community, which is present prominently in the US and lot of other countries as NRIs. You must also be knowing that, there is a project going on for construction of Statue of Unity in India. It is being constructed near Narmada River in a western State Gujarat, India. The man who will be immortal after this statue is the same Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel. Let's have some quick facts about statute. comparision The statue will stand at 182 meters (597 feet) twice as high as the famous Statue of Liberty in New York City which rises “only” 93 meters into the sky; and four times higher than the statue of Christ the Redeemer in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Its total cost, estimated at 29 billion rupees ($450 million) will be financed by public funds and private donations, according to Gujarat offic

Nawazuddin siddiqui's life struggle

Nawazuddin Siddiqui (नवाज़ुद्दीन सिद्दीकी)   एक ऐसे ही एक्टर हैं….outstanding! वो हमें अपनी एक्टिंग से हंसा सकते हैं, रुला सकते हैं, और डरा भी सकते हैं। आज उन्हें बच्चा-बच्चा जानता है, लेकिन शायद हर कोई इस पहचान; इस success के पीछे के struggle को नहीं जानता। और आज   पर हम इस मंझे हुए कलाकार के उन दिनों के बारे में जानेंगे जब उन्हें कोई नहीं जानता था। आप चाहे movie buff हों या मेरी तरह एक्का-दुक्का फिल्में ही देखते हों, पर कहीं न कहीं हमारे अन्दर उन actors को पहचानने की समझ आ ही जाती है जो outstanding हैं, जो सचमुच acting को define करते हैं। तो आइये जानते हैं Nawazudding Siddiqui की struggle and success story : 9 भाई-बहनों के बीच सबसे बड़े नवाज़ुद्दीन का जन्म 19th May 1974 को U.P के मुज़फ्फरनगर डिस्ट्रिक्ट के एक छोटे से गाँव बुढ़ाना में हुआ था। यहीं उनका बचपन बीता, इंटरमीडिएट तक की पढाई भी इसी गाँव से की। बहुत से लोग सोचते हैं कि नवाज़ुद्दीन एक गरीब परिवार से हैं, लेकिन ऐसा नही है, वो एक well-off ज़मींदार किसानो की family से belong करते हैं। हालांकि,

One Buddha Teaching That Will Tell You More About Yourself Than Anything Else

In Buddhism one of the ‘Three Characteristics’ is No-Self (the other two are impermanence and suffering which are closely associated with this). This refers to the illusion of reality having a permanent and separate self. There is this notion that there is a permanent “I” or “me,” which is a separate entity that can be found. The obvious assumption of we are our body sounds good until we look at it and say “this is my body,” which implies at that moment that whatever owns the body wasn’t the body. The observer and the observed; duality denies our body being what we are. It is also in a state of impermanence, and at a sensate level it is made up of energy flickering at a similar rate to reality. Perhaps thoughts are the “I.” They may seem more like the true “me” than the body does. But they come and go and are changing constantly too, as well as the majority of them not being under our control at all. They too aren’t something solid enough to assume they are the “I.” The ego is a

Powerful advice from a dying man

“I am only 24 years old, yet I have actually already chosen my last tie. It’s  the one that I will wear on my funeral  a few months from now. It may not match my suit, but I think it’s perfect for the occasion. The cancer diagnosis came too late to give me at least a tenuous hope for a long life, but I realized that the most important thing about death is to ensure that you leave this world a little better than it was before you existed with your contributions . The way I’ve lived my life so far, my existence or more precisely the loss of it, will not matter because I have lived without doing anything impactful. Before, there were so many things that occupied my mind. When I learned how much time I had left, however, it became clear which things are really important. So, I am writing to you for a selfish reason. I want to give meaning to my life by sharing with you what I have realized: Don’t waste your time on work thatyou don’t enjoy. It is obvious that you cannot suc