25+ Happy Rain Quotes
Rain is one of the most beautiful phenomena of nature. It serves as a blessing in hot weather and holds certain attraction for people of diverse tastes. It brings joy and happiness to everyone, especially kids who make the most of rainy weather by indulging themselves in sports and fun games. Furthermore, it has quite an impact on moods of the people. Where most people feel happiness and enjoy rain, others also fell depressed and gloomy.
Continuous rain cuts down your social activities and restricts you to your homes and you find it hard to pass your time with nothing to do, eventually leads to boredom. Some people also like to enjoy rain with others and they do so by sending them messages related to the rainy weather. They find several rain quotes and share them with their friends through mobile texts or as status on social networks.
Numerous rain quotes can be found on internet as well as in books on various quotes. You may come across quotes that are according to your taste and provide perfect description of the weather according to your mood and perception. You can also let others know about your feelings regarding the rainy weather by sharing these quotes with them. Rain quotes are very common and easy to come across. One popular category of such quotes is romantic rain quotes. As this weather is considered romantic by many, such quotes are also used to share the messages of love and express your feelings to you loved ones.
Company of others
feeling matters...
just....rain..and rain
the rainbow
again..the rainbow
the calm...
the coma

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